Explore the Worst iOS Games Ever Made

Explore the Worst iOS Games Ever Made
Explore the Worst iOS Games Ever Made

The App Store may be home to the best games in the world, but it still has its blunders. Not all games are created equal, & this is especially apparent with some releases. Since anyone can create an app, the flood gates have opened for a slew of bad ideas. These games may puzzle users with their outlandish premises, but that didn’t stop developers from releasing them. They defy common sense, but that’s nothing new in the app industry. Let’s find out the worst iOS games ever made.

Even though some iOS games flopped horribly, there’s something to be learned from their mistakes. Against all odds, these developers pursued their passion. This may be commendable, but there’s something to be said about taking a good look in the mirror. Realizing that something is a bad idea is a lot easier when it happens before you invest in it. It’s hard to see this at the moment, but only learning in hindsight can be costly. For this reason, we have compiled a list of the worst iOS games ever made. These releases baffled players, so prepare to be entertained by their outrageous storylines!

Worst iOS games ever made

These games will blow you away!
These games will blow you away- worst iOS games

1. Super Turk

Super Turk
Super Turk- worst iOS games

This game may embody Turkish innovation, but it still confused players from around the world. Developer Dzllcom Inc. tried to outdo Marvel with a unique superhero of their own. Instead of relying on common storylines, they decided to bring a Turkish legend to life. That would have been fine if Super Turk’s powers were powerful, but they are remarkably unimpressive. This is one of the worst iOS games.

Instead of manipulating gravity or taking out bad guys, Super Turk focuses on ridding the world of flies. As the screen fills up with these unwanted insects, it’s your job to blast these pesky critters with laser beams. These are shot out of Super Turk’s eyes, so there’s no need to rely on chance. As the beams shoot out of this lacklustre superhero’s skull, many players wonder what they are doing with their life. This is undoubtedly one of the most anti-climactic games of all time, but that didn’t stop it from being released. If you share Super Turk’s hatred of flies, this game is for you. If not, it’s best to just laugh & move on to a better release.

2. Pony Unicorn Astronaut

Pony Unicorn Astronaut
Pony Unicorn Astronaut- worst iOS games

This puzzling release pits a beautiful pony against the fury of outer space. Once the games start, users have to guide an adorable four-legged astronaut through a maze of meteors. Allegedly it’s moving at the speed of light, so if it hits a meteor it dies on impact. This fatality is welcomed with a twinkling burst of sparkles. This is also one of the worst iOS games ever made.

This blatant disregard for the lives of animals caused immediate outrage upon its release. While accidentally murdering a pony is encouraged, the premise of the game never gets completely explained. How this gorgeous creature made it into space is anyone’s guess, but your best bet is to leave it a mystery.

3. Jump Rope

K.K. Amuzenet
K.K. Amuzenet- worst iOS games

Playing this sport is fun in real life, but it sure makes a ridiculous app. Instead of sticking to a traditional script, developer K.K. Amuzenet went the extra mile with the storyline. Their bizarre theme follows a man who sleeps on a park bench. For some reason, he is forced to jump rope. As his skills advance, he inspires more homeless people to join him. This is one of the worst iOS games.

By the end of the game, a team of park dwellers is jumping rope in harmony. If only things were this simple, we could solve the world’s homeless issue with a game of jump rope! This is extremely puzzling to think about, but it’s even weirder to play.

4. Disney Emoji Blitz

Disney Emoji Blitz
Disney Emoji Blitz- worst iOS games

There are so many games out there based on Disney properties. And yet, it exists. The real gameplay is that of your basic Candy Crush-style puzzle game. You have to match like faces to make more faces drop-down, watching how many matches and combos you can get before the clock ticks down to zero.

You will get emojis of Disney characters as rewards for your good performance. Because people were clamouring for that? Apparently, they were, and still are, as the game still has an active community and still releases new emojis on the latest movies. So maybe there’s something you don’t get yet.

5. Toilet Time Mini Games

Toilet Time Mini Games
Toilet Time Mini Games- worst iOS games

Usually, people tend to use their phones as a way to keep themselves busy in the restroom, but maybe you don’t need a cell phone game to address that. Regardless, that’s precisely what Toilet Time Mini Games does. The games themselves are actually fine. It is a collection of simple objectives that come at you one after another, in a way just like the Wario Ware microgames.

The games are themed around the restroom. How much value you get out of that depends on your reaction to gross-out humour.

6. Talking Horse

Talking Horse
Talking Horse- the worst iOS games

This game works on a similar premise to the Talking Tom games. Or for ’90s kids, it’s a cell phone game Tamagotchi. You get a digital horse that you have to take care of. You feed it, clean it, and even tuck it into bed. This horse talks also. It says many things to you in an unsettling voice. The game’s graphics, particularly the model of the horse, are just plain creepy. I am sure you will not want to tuck it in and read it as a bedtime story.

7. Dragalia Lost

Dragalia Lost
Dragalia Lost

It seemed like it had all the potential in the world. A cell phone game published by Nintendo and designed by the people behind Granblue, a super popular game in Japan with a sizable Western following. But the resulting product is lacklustre at best.

While there’s nothing blatantly wrong with the game, nothing outstanding about it either.

It is a generic anime style, it hides characters behind randomized summons, and the gameplay is fun but too simple. You could do a lot worse, but you should also expect a lot better from Nintendo.

8. ZigZag


It is just a time-wasting game. You tap your phone screen to change the direction of a ball as it goes down an increasingly narrow path. If the ball falls, you lose. Then you try again. The hope, anyway, is that you get addicted to trying to beat your last run. This keeps them playing. Some games do the simple reflex test a lot better. And with much nicer visuals. Graphics don’t matter as much on cell phone games, but if you’re staring at it repeatedly all day, it should look more appealing than this.


These are a few games that iOS users need to steer clear of while looking for games to play on the iPhone.